15 Dec

Two months before moving:

Contact Logistical Solutions to assist with a moving company that best suits your needs.

Make a list of inventory for insurance purposes

Check with us on items that need special arrangements to be moved (Firearms, jewelry etc)

Donate unwanted clothing, furniture and other Items (this will save time, money and sanity)

Collect Official records (Schools and Doctors)

Make plans for Children's school

One month before moving:

Change address (Post office, Bank, Phone, Employer, Student loans, Car Insurance, Home and Life Insurance, Medical aid, Steaming services

Purchase/Collect boxes and necessary packing supplies (trash bags, tape, scissors, boxes, bubble wrap etc)

Notify Utility companies that you are moving (Armed response companies, Water, Gas, Internet, Waste, Landline, Electricity, Cable)

Arrange plans for children(young), pets and plants during move

Schedule cleaning services

Arrange for new items to be delivered not moved

Two weeks before moving:

Confirm arrangements with Logistical Solutions (Times, Rentals)

Start packing boxes and label them for the appropriate room

Request time off work

Cancel subscriptions or change address

Arrange key drop/collection

Two days before moving: 

Defrost freezer and clean refrigerator

Pack a box of essential items you will need for the first 24 hours at your new place

Greet your neighbors

If you were renting get your deposit back, fix drywall close holes, new paint, clean carpets


Moving day:

Make sure all boxes are labeled (including fragile) for their appropriate destination

Do a final walk through of your old house, check all cupboards and potential hiding spots

Cash, keys, directions, 

Sit back and watch us unload...

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